Circus Bazaar
Independent News and Analysis platform dedicated to bringing issues of Political & Social significance to public discourse worldwide.



This might change the music business forever..

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he good people over at Forbes Magazine have been astute enough to see that what is going on with “that Wu-tang again” is potentially a game changer. In march they broke the story that stored insid...

by Circus Bazaar

Artist Portray’s Drone Strikes on Western Targets

Artist Thomas Van Houtryve made this chilling portrayal of what it would look like if drone strikes where to be ordered on targets in the west. The below text is taken directly from Thomas Van Houtryve’s website. He can explain his...

by Circus Bazaar

Why does a man walk the streets of London wearing this sign?

[dropcap size=big]A[/dropcap] man walks the streets of London shouting #FuckThePoor. Social experiment from poverty charity, “The Pilion Trust”, to see whether we really do care about those less fortunate. – www.justgiv...

by Circus Bazaar

Indefinite Detention in Australia – PT 2

This year marks the 22th anniversary of Australia’s mandatory immigration detention system, which commenced in 1992 and applies to all who have an expired or cancelled visa, or arrive without a visa. Indefinite immigration detentio...

by Circus Bazaar

Manus Island – Photos Released

[dropcap size=big]U[/dropcap]ncovering facts such as the rationing of water in quantities of 500ml per day in scorching heat caused Amnesty International to label conditions inside Manus Island Detention Camp “Inhuman and Degrading.“ Pho...

by Circus Bazaar

The Ockham’s Razor Approach to Missing Malaysian Flight MH370

“All things being equal the simplest solution tends to be the best one” – William Ockham Editors note; Chris Goodfellow is a veteran pilot with over 20 years experience. His theory on missing Malaysian Flight MH370 has ...

by Circus Bazaar

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