CB 940


Biography & genealogy

Biography & genealogy

Escape from Ukraine

As dusk fell, I went into a meditative state. I looked at the sky for a long time, listening to the nature around me, as though I had become an animal in harmony with my surroundings. My fear had vanished. As I started walking towards my...

by Escape from Ukraine

History of Asia

History of Asia

Singapore’s Meritocracy Gets Challenged

Singapore, the multi-ethnic city-state is one of history’s great developmental success story’s. From poverty, invasion, occupation and social unrest in the mid 20th century, it has risen to be one of the most independent and ...

by Shane Alexander Caldwell

History of Europe

History of Europe

Because we fight, we are.

In 1994, I hitchhiked to Ukraine. A long-haired high school student, I was eager to explore what my whole life had lain beyond the family’s holiday plans. For us, children of the Cold War, the Soviet Union was something colourless, menac...

by Asle Toje

History of Europe

The Russian Cesspit

Bliss it was in that dawn to be naïve: no amount of reading could have prepared me for the surreal world of Russian politics. It was Alice in Wonderland meets A Clockwork Orange. But to understand what is happening in Ukraine and Russia ...

by David Crouch