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Friday evening saw hundreds of masked men running through Stockholms Central Train Station. According to reports they were targeting refugee’s, economic migrants and anyone that did not appear ethnically Swedish. It is also reported that they targeted children.
According to Swedish police, the attack took place in the wake of a propaganda campaign entitled “it’s enough now”, in which leaflets were distributed before and after the incident.
Among other things the leaflets explained in reference to migrant populations, that “Sweden is not as it once was”, “police no longer have the stamina to prevent and investigate crime”, “the social contract is thus broken” and that “it is now every Swedish man’s duty to defend our public areas for the imported crime”.
The propaganda leaflet also made mention of the stabbing death of an ethnic Swedish women Monday, who at the time was working in an asylum accommodation centre in the west of the country. A 15-year old has been named the apparent perpetrator.
According to various extreme right-wing media, that claim to have sources present at the event, the perpetrators of the masked ramage were the football hooligans “Firman Boys (AIK) and DFG (Djurgården)”
Sweden’s liberal reputation has become tarnished in recent years as race attacks rise. In August 2014, a 41-year-old father passed away in a fire in a Romanian migrant camp. The same camp was displayed in an online forum that called for arson in previous days. A year later, in June 2015, a Romanian man was attacked when corrosive acid was thrown on his face in a central park in Stockholm. Towards the end of 2015, a 21-year-old man wearing a Darth Vadar styled mask, walked into a school wielding a large sword and hacked to death a teacher and an 11-year old boy.
Sweden took in 160,000 migrants of various sorts in 2015, only to backflip in November that year claiming it needed “respite” from the tens of thousands of refugees knocking at its door. Claiming to bring in tough new measures, it was only this week that the Swedish Government announced that it may reject and expel up to 1% of its standing population.
Of those facing expulsion, the government was quoted in Swedish media as saying: “We are talking about 60,000 people but the number could climb to 80,000.”
France’s vocals are intent, holistic and purposeful. The lyrics are as they need to be, at times urgent, also reflective, on time or in the moment. The writing is mature and scripted and leaves openings for improvisation. The old school...