The above promo clip from the soon to be released documentary film, “The Serpent in Paradise” that details the experience of several migrant’s who have been driven to an obscure and isolated area in 2013. On a quiet morning in the suburbs of Oslo, Norway, a man...
Facts are accurate at date of publishing. Source: International Organization for Migration
The online news broadcasting service AJ+ today published footage of a Hungarian Photographer tripping and kicking refugee’s running from police. According to the report, the Photographer worked for the far-right Jobbik-affiliated channel N1 and comes after a me...
Being waria in Indonesia, where religion plays a dominant role in society and where almost 90 percent of the population are Muslim, is not an easy thing. Homosexuality is not punishable by national law and is generally considered a taboo subject by both Indonesi...
Circus Bazaar was recently contacted by a European economist who asked if we were interested in talking to a sociopolitical blogger from Singapore by the name of Roy Ngerng Yi Ling. Little known in the rest of the world, Roy is well known in Singapore for gaining sig...
On the 16th of July 1945 the world changed forever. In an isolated desert plane outside Los Alamos County in the United States a small plutonium pit surrounded by a uranium sphere was squeezed via simultaneous and uniform detonations of conventional explosives to ach...