Circus Bazaar
Independent News and Analysis platform dedicated to bringing issues of Political & Social significance to public discourse worldwide.



Metodebruk - oppbevaring av narkotika

Oslo Police response to film footage – Updated to reflect changed statement.

Circus Bazaar has had to update this Article to reflect the change in press statements from the Norwegian Police website on the below film released by Circus Bazaar in September. Due to the fact the original link has been broken we shall...

by Circus Bazaar

Amnesty International – Statement on Norwegian Police Film

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by Circus Bazaar

“Norwegian Police filmed.” Article 3 – Inhuman or Degrading treatment? ECHR

“Norsk politi filmet.” Artikkel 3 – Umenneskelig eller nedverdigende behandling? EMK (NORSK)

“Videoopptaket er angivelig gjort den 21. mai 2013, gjennom et vindu mot gaten der sivilt politi pågrep to personer, tilsynelatende for å sikre narkotikabesittelse. Stor vekt ble under pågripelsen lagt på å få de anholdte til å spytte ut...

by Circus Bazaar

NCHR- Statement on Norwegian Police Film

In September 2013 the Norwegian Centre of Human Rights provided Circus Bazaar with the below document. [gview file=”

by Circus Bazaar

Circus Bazaar is now on Youtube

Circus Bazaar is now on Youtube

Circus Bazaar has now established its channel on Youtube. Youtube will act as our archive for material that we first exclusively host on Circus Bazaar. Below is our fantabulously branded introduction produced by our digital media special...

by Circus Bazaar

Welcome to "Circus Bazaar"

Welcome to Circus Bazaar

Welcome to Circus Bazaar, I, on behalf of all the people that have contributed to the creation of Circus Bazaar, would like to extend a warm welcome to you, our dear audience. In the coming weeks and months we will be launching our first...

by Circus Bazaar