By 2015, the use of the hormone-based contraceptive pill or device has become almost as ubiquitous as vaccination or cheeseburgers. Touting many social benefits such as the emancipation of women from the risks of unplanned pregnancy, the...
More than 4 trillion kilos of waste are produced in OECD nations every year. This colossal ocean of waste could be a large part of solving the problem of increasing demand versus supply bottlenecks forming in the Global economy. Waste, v...
The microbiome sounds like something straight out of science fiction novel. But have no fear, it’s a very real 1.5 – 3 Kg of biological micro-flora existing in your gut exerting a fundamental influence on the health of ...
In July last year, at its ‘Eagle Works’ propulsion labs, NASA’s best minds were tinkering with an idea proposed and experimented with by UK aerospace engineer, Roger Shawyer. He, through his company Satellite Propulsion...
The last twenty-five years have been a time of growing adversarialism between the emerging concept of sustainability and the economic imperative for continual growth to maintain our consumer society.
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e have moved a long way from the 1940 and 50’s where nationalism and patriotism drove respect for authority and an almost slavish heed in much of society for those in power and those deemed to have greater knowl...