Shane Alexander Caldwell
Shane Alexander Caldwell is the Editor of Circus Bazaar Magazine, host of the Big Tent Podcast and the sole Ringmaster of the Circus Bazaar Company. He performs acts of international political magic on the regular.



Is Norway`s Criminalisation Of The Homeless Racist?

Is Norway`s Criminalisation Of The Homeless Racist?

A NOTE ON THE ABOVE PHOTO: A homeless foreign migrant living under the Sinsen bridge on the east side of Norway’s capital, Oslo. The man claimed that living under the bridge was his only option after facing continual removal from o...

by Shane Alexander Caldwell

Roy Ngerng Yi Ling and Singapore’s Heart Truths

Circus Bazaar was recently contacted by a European economist who asked if we were interested in talking to a sociopolitical blogger from Singapore by the name of Roy Ngerng Yi Ling. Little known in the rest of the world, Roy is well know...

by Shane Alexander Caldwell

Norway’s Badass Batons and Starlight Tours – The Full Report (English)

To read the Article Published on both Circus Bazaar and Vice World News Click here On a quiet morning in the suburbs of Oslo, Norway, a man who was suspected of concealing narcotics in his mouth was subjected to a stop and search by Norw...

by Shane Alexander Caldwell

Norway’s Badass Batons & Starlight Tours: Police in Norway Come Under Human Rights Focus

The victim claims — to the denials of police — that he was “dumped in a forest, called an animal and left without shoes.“

by Shane Alexander Caldwell

Norwegian Judge Falls Asleep as Male Nurse is Found Guilty of Sexually Assaulting a Asylum Seeker In Prison

In December 2013 an African Asylum Seeker being held in Oslo Prison who had previously complained of a painful scar on his lower abdomen was called by a prison nurse to be weighed in what was supposed to be a normal and decent medical ex...

by Shane Alexander Caldwell

Anders Breivik’s Everywhere

Anders Breivik’s Everywhere

I came to Norway for the same reason most other Australians find their way here. A young, educated, bi-lingual Norwegian girl captured my affection in the last year of my Australian studies and before I knew it I had been living in Norwa...

by Shane Alexander Caldwell