A young Artist is tortured, tied down, force-fed and injected with a variety of cosmetics in London as part of a protest highlighting Animal Testing. A young twenty four year old Artist named Jacqueline Traide was passionate about the testing of human cosmetics on An...
“Local protests in Moscow are nowhere near as threatening as tens of thousands of Russian troops massing along a border less than 500 km away.” [dropcap size=big]D[/dropcap]uring the past few weeks I have relaxed somewhat. The Ukrainian Presidential elect...
“It seems Putin missed the adage of Marx according to which “history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.” [dropcap size=big]I[/dropcap]n case there was still any doubt about the true nature of the war in Ukraine’s eastern regions, Interior Ministe...
Laying back surfing the internet I found this beautiful video and couldn’t help but share it. [dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap] know that it does not take into account women outside of western culture but nevertheless it is as beautiful as it is flawed. I expecte...
Some things are worth watching again, and then sharing. [dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]wenty five years ago this week a man we only know as “Tank Man” challenged a column of “Chinese type 59” tanks to a game of political chicken. This was the mo...
[dropcap size=big]A[/dropcap]ny expectations that this new Coldplay album would be a return to form or a progressive step forward are smashed. There is nothing to connect with or enjoy on this album. It starts poorly and finishes dreadfully. It is without direction, ...